Our Mission

Leverage technogical innovations for the future success of Moroccan girls and women by encouraging them to purse scientific and technological careers, develop an entrepreneurial mindset, acheive financial independence, and gain awareness of sustainable developement issues.

eSTEM Morocco aims to contribute to the international effort towards a sustainable world, and in particular the following four goals :

eSTEM Morocco plays a crucial role in promoting quality education by encouraging young girls to acquire skills in STEM fields. The association offers educational programs, mentoring opportunities and educational resources that are essential to breaking down gender barriers and enabling girls to access quality education.

eSTEM Morocco is strongly committed to promoting gender equality by encouraging girls to pursue careers in science and technology. The association raises awareness of gender equality issues and helps to eliminate gender stereotypes, creating equal opportunities for girls in traditionally male fields.

eSTEM Morocco makes a significant contribution to achieving this goal by inspiring young girls to become entrepreneurs and providing them with skills in science and technology. This promotes the creation of quality jobs, economic growth and financial autonomy for women.

eSTEM Morocco's commitment to raising awareness of sustainable technologies and environmental sustainability is fundamental. The association inspires young people to embrace careers related to green technology and sustainable urban planning, thereby fostering the creation of resilient, environmentally-friendly communities.


In Morocco, though women are half the population of the country,  four out of five Women in the active female base are not participating in the workforce. This Female Labor rate is among the lowest worldwide and generates a high cost in terms of economic development missed opportunity for our country.

Over the past 20 years, the female labor rate in Morocco has been decreasing. According to Morocco's 2035 development model vision, the government aims to increase this rate from 19% to 45% within the next twelve years. Achieving this ambitious goal requires addressing the cultural, educational, and socio-economic barriers that prevent girls and women from fully participating in the workforce.


Placing the girl at the center of the support ecosystem and encouraging her to adopt a hands-on learning approach and contribute to the community

eSTEM Morocco addresses low female labor participation through an innovative social model and the comprehensive Titrit digital platform, providing girls with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed for STEM careers. Our NGO consolidates its five programs on this platform to maximize reach across the Kingdom, centering the girl in the support ecosystem and promoting hands-on learning and community contribution. The open model allows partner associations to access the platform, encouraging girls to enhance their skills through partner programs, supported by four key pillars.